A government backed scheme where deposits paid by people renting a property are held by an independent scheme rather than by the landlord, to ensure deposits are returned at the end of the tenancy.
By Developer
A government backed scheme where deposits paid by people renting a property are held by an independent scheme rather than by the landlord, to ensure deposits are returned at the end of the tenancy.
Salisbury (Head Office)
86 Crane Street
Wiltshire SP1 2QD
Kingsbury House
Kingsbury Square
Wiltshire SN12 6HL
Tel: 01722 329966
Fax: 01722 329988
New Milton
10 Mallard Buildings
Station Road, New Milton
Hampshire BH25 6HY
New Milton
44 Station Road
New Milton
Hampshire BH25 6JX
Tel: 01425 616809
Fax: 01425 611780