Welcome to our jargon buster. Definitions of legal terms are provided here and throughout our website. Hover your mouse over the underlined words to see their definitions.
- Administrative Action
- Administrative Punishment
- Administrator
- Advance Directive
- AGAI 67
- Alterations
- Appeal
- Arbitration
- Assets
- Assignment
- Associated Person
- Barrister / Counsel
- Beneficiary
- Breach of Covenant
- Capital Gains Tax
- Care Order
- Chambers
- Child Arrangements Order
- Codicil
- Cohabitation Agreement
- Commercial Premises
- Compensation
- Completion
- Contract of Employment
- Conveyancer
- Conveyancing
- Court Martial
- Court of Protection
- Covenant
- Crown Court
- Declaration of Trust
- Decree Absolute
- Decree Nisi
- Deed of Variation
- Deputy
- Dilapidations
- Disbursements
- Discrimination
- Divorce Petition
- Early Conciliation Notification
- Emergency Protection Order
- Employment Tribunal
- Enduring Power of Attorney
- Equity
- Estate
- Exceptional Hardship
- Exchange of Contracts
- Executor
- Extortion
- Financial Consent Order
- Financial Settlement
- First Time Buyer
- Freehold Property
- Grant of Probate
- Ground Rent
- Guardians
- Hearing
- High loan-to-value mortgage
- Higher Courts Advocates
- Informal Agreement
- Inheritance Tax
- Injunction
- Interests of Justice
- Interim Care Order
- Intestacy / Partial Intestacy
- Lasting Power of Attorney
- Lease Extension
- Leasehold Enfranchisement
- Leasehold Property
- Legacy
- Legal Aid
- Liable
- Magistrates Court
- Means testing
- Mediation
- Mediator
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Mirror Will
- Mortgage Deed
- Mortgage Guarantee
- Negligence
- Negotiation
- Non Molestation Order
- Notice Period
- Occupation Order
- Out-of-Court Settlement
- Overage
- Parental Responsibility
- Parental Responsibility Order
- Partnership
- Plea in Mitigation
- Post-nuptial Agreement
- Postal Requisitions
- Pre-nuptial Agreement
- Pre-proceedings Letter
- Prima facie
- Probate
- Proceeds of Crime Proceedings
- Prohibited Steps Order
- Re-mortgage
- Redundancy
- Regulatory Authorities
- Regulatory Breaches
- Regulatory Investigation
- Regulatory Prosecution
- Rent Review
- Restrictive Covenants
- S. 106 Agreement
- Separation Agreement
- Service Police
- Service Test
- Settlement Agreement
- Shared Ownership
- Special Guardianship Order
- Special Reasons
- Specific Issues Order
- Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)
- Statutory Defences
- Sub-letting
- Summary Appeal
- Summary Hearing
- Summons
- Supervision Order
- Tenancy Deposit Scheme
- Term of a Lease
- Testator / Testatrix
- Totting Disqualification
- Transfer Deed
- Transfer of Equity
- Trust
- Trustee
- UK Based Civilian
- Unfair Dismissal
- Vacant Possession
- Wayleave Agreement